Why Does My Dog Throw Up in His Crate? (Causes & 5 Tips)

—Having a dog that throws up in their crate can be concerning and frustrating for pet owners. Not only does it create a mess, but it also raises questions about the underlying causes and potential solutions. Read on to know why your dog throws up in his crate—

There are a variety of reasons why your four-legged friend may be tossing his kibble. From a sudden change in feeding schedule to gobbling down his meals too quickly or even getting into something he shouldn’t while you were out and about.

Regardless of the situation, there’s absolutely no need to panic as we’re about to reveal the reasons behind this action and how you can prevent it from happening. 

So, let’s dive in and uncover the secrets of a vomit-free crate!

When should I be concerned about my dog throwing up in the crate?

As a dog owner, it’s not uncommon to encounter various challenges and concerns when it comes to your furry friend’s health. One such concern is when your dog starts throwing up in their crate.

While occasional vomiting can be normal for dogs, it’s essential to understand when this behavior becomes a cause for concern. In this section, we will explore the potential reasons behind your dog’s vomiting in the crate and discuss when you should seek veterinary attention.

Top Reasons Why Dogs Throw Up in Crates

Stress and Anxiety 

One common reason why dogs throw up in their crates is stress and anxiety. Dogs are highly sensitive animals, and being confined in a crate can trigger feelings of fear or discomfort.

This emotional distress can lead to an upset stomach and subsequent vomiting. Separation anxiety, fear of confinement, or traumatic experiences associated with the crate can all contribute to this behavior.

Understanding your dog’s specific triggers and working on reducing their anxiety levels through positive reinforcement training and gradual desensitization can help alleviate this problem.

Motion Sickness

Another possible cause of vomiting in the crate is motion sickness. Some dogs are prone to experiencing nausea and vomiting when traveling in a moving vehicle, including when they are crated during car rides.

The combination of the confined space and the motion can disrupt their equilibrium, leading to an upset stomach.

To address this issue, gradually acclimate your dog to car rides by starting with short trips and providing them with a comfortable and secure crate setup. Additionally, consult your veterinarian about potential medications or natural remedies that can help alleviate motion sickness symptoms.

Dietary Issues

Dietary issues can also contribute to dogs throwing up in their crates. Dogs have sensitive stomachs, and sudden changes in their diet or consuming inappropriate food items can lead to gastrointestinal upset.

Low-quality or expired food, overeating, food allergies or intolerances, and eating too quickly are all factors that can cause vomiting.

To prevent this, ensure your dog is on a balanced and appropriate diet, introduce new foods gradually, and monitor their eating habits. If dietary issues persist, consult with your veterinarian to rule out any underlying health conditions.

Foreign Object Ingestion

Dogs are notorious for exploring their surroundings with their mouths, and sometimes, they may swallow objects that can obstruct their digestive system.

If your dog vomits in the crate and you notice any signs of discomfort, abdominal pain, or repeated attempts to vomit without success, it could indicate a potential foreign object obstruction.

This is a medical emergency, and you should seek immediate veterinary assistance to prevent further complications.

Medical Conditions 

In some cases, vomiting in the crate may be a symptom of an underlying medical condition. Gastrointestinal disorders, such as gastritis, pancreatitis, or inflammatory bowel disease, can cause chronic vomiting.

Other potential health issues include infections, parasites, liver or kidney problems, or even certain types of cancer. If you notice persistent or severe vomiting, along with other concerning symptoms like diarrhea, lethargy, or loss of appetite, it is crucial to seek veterinary attention promptly.

Your veterinarian will conduct a thorough examination, run diagnostic tests, and recommend appropriate treatment options.

Preventive Measures and Solutions 

Preventive tips to stop your dog from throwing up in his crate

To prevent your dog from throwing up in their crate, there are several preventive measures and solutions you can implement. These include:

1. Gradual crate training

If your dog is vomiting in his crate, it may be a sign of anxiety or discomfort with the crate. This is especially the case if your dog is a new or a rescue puppy who may have yet to be introduced to a crate.

In this situation, it is important to take a step back and re-introduce the crate to your dog gradually and positively. This gradual crate training process involves introducing the crate slowly and associating it with pleasant experiences. Here are the steps to follow; 

Step 1: Begin by using positive reinforcement to create positive associations with the crate. 

Step 2:  Encourage your dog to explore the crate by placing treats or toys in the crate and giving him time to sniff them out. Alternatively, You may feed your dog in the crate, providing him with meals while the crate door is open.

Once your dog is comfortable exploring the crate, gradually introduce him to being in the crate with the door closed, but only for a short period. Stay in the room with him and give him treats while he is calm and relaxed in the crate. 

Step 3: Gradually increase the amount of time the door is closed, always making sure that your dog is comfortable and not showing any signs of distress.

2. Proper crate sizing

If your dog is vomiting in his crate, he may be feeling uncomfortable or anxious due to being confined in a space that’s too small or too large. Dogs are instinctively clean animals, and they typically avoid lying in their waste.

However, if your dog’s crate is too big, he may have more space than he needs, causing him to feel disoriented and possibly leading to motion sickness or nausea.

To prevent your dog from vomiting in his crate, it’s essential to choose a crate that’s appropriately sized, allowing him to stand, turn around, and lie down comfortably.

Additionally, you should consider the type of bedding you’re using in the crate. If your dog is prone to motion sickness or nausea, it’s best to avoid using thick, heavy blankets or bedding that may retain odors or moisture.

3. Engage your dog in regular exercise

Regular exercise can also serve as a useful tool in reducing stress and anxiety levels in dogs. Stress and anxiety can manifest in a variety of ways, one of which is vomiting in their crate.

By incorporating exercise as part of their daily routine, dogs can get an effective outlet for these negative emotions, as exercise releases endorphins, which can help elevate their mood and contribute to a sense of overall well-being.

Therefore, by making sure that your dog receives sufficient physical activity on a regular basis, you may help reduce their stress and anxiety levels, potentially decreasing the chances of vomiting in their crate. 

4. Adopt a consistent Feeding routine

Establishing a consistent feeding routine for your dog is a crucial aspect to consider if your furry friend is throwing up in his crate. Sudden dietary changes or irregular feeding patterns can trigger gastrointestinal upset, which may lead to vomiting.

Dogs require consistency and stability in their feeding routine, just like humans. Therefore, it’s essential to establish a consistent feeding schedule and avoid sudden dietary changes to prevent your dog from throwing up in his crate.

5. Slow feeding

One strategy that works for dogs that vomit as a result of gulping down their meals at a fast pace is to feed your dog smaller meals throughout the day.

Instead of giving them one or two large meals each day, try dividing their food into several smaller portions that they can eat throughout the day. This will help your dog to eat more slowly and more consistently, which can reduce the risk of vomiting and other digestive issues.

Another option is to use a slow feeder bowl. These are bowls that are designed with special ridges or bumps on the inside, which can help to slow down your dog’s eating by making it more difficult for them to scoop up large mouthfuls of food.

By using a slow feeder bowl, you can help your dog eat more slowly and more comfortably, which can help reduce the risk of vomiting and other digestive issues.

6. Consult a Vet

Regular check-ups with your veterinarian can help identify any underlying health issues that may be causing your dog to throw up in their crate. By addressing these health issues promptly, you can prevent or reduce the frequency of your dog’s vomiting.

Additionally, your veterinarian can provide advice on preventative measures or other treatments that can help your dog feel better and avoid vomiting.


Understanding why your dog throws up in their crate is essential for effective management and prevention. Whether it’s stress, an upset stomach, or a medical issue, there are simple solutions to help your dog feel more relaxed and avoid throwing up in their cosy space. Remember, if the problem persists or worsens, consult with your veterinarian for a comprehensive evaluation and personalized guidance.

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