Dog Not Drinking Water in Hot Weather? – (Here’s Why! + Fix)

Dogs require water to stay hydrated, and in scorching weather conditions, dogs drink even more water to soothe the sweltering weather. Is your dog not drinking enough water in hot weather or any water at all?

There are a few reports from dog owners about their dogs not drinking water in hot weather. While we found this a little weird, there’s a reason behind this. 

Dogs are generally big drinkers and will trot around water pools and bowls so they can always have a fresh sip. 

So, why is my dog not drinking water in hot weather

Your dog may not drink water in hot weather because you are unknowingly feeding him water from a supplementary source, anxiety or a medical condition you don’t know of yet.

The urge to drink becomes more during hot times that can often span months.

During this time, dogs will consume 10 percent more water than the usual daily intake, and this is due to the heightened temperature that speeds up the loss of water from their fur and tongue when panting.

While it’s unusual for dogs to stop drinking during hot weather conditions, there’s a reason why most dogs will opt not to drink water during these times. 

And here’s why—

Consuming foods with high water content

Dogs becoming uninterested in drinking during hot times could be narrowed to a few reasons.

Mainly, dogs will require less water if they’re already consuming a high water food content.

Perhaps you’ve been providing ice cubes to soothe the scorching sun or fed diets directly from the freezer, as well as wet foods. These diets can reduce the urge to drink more frequently in your dog.

Also, do you have a water pool nearby?

It could also be that your dog licks off the water from its coat after a long deep. This can also reduce the urgency in water consumption for most dogs.

 So it’s normal for your dog to require less water during the hot times if they’re having any of this. 

Getting your dog to drink in unfamiliar places 

Dogs are very sensitive to their environment and will easily get the info that they’re in someplace new.

If you recently moved into a new house during the hot weather months, your dog may find it a little difficult to settle down as well. Also, this may reduce the rate at which your dog drinks; if he drinks at all.

In addition to this, dogs will easily discern new water sources from what they’re normally used to, and if they pick up a difference in smell, it could be a reason to stop drinking as they may pick it up as something dangerous to them. It’s naturally part of their survival instinct.

Slight changes like water sources and bowls can be the reason your dog has stopped drinking. To your dog, it doesn’t really matter if he requires even more water during hot weather conditions, he’ll ignore the water altogether. 

Health conditions

While virtually every health condition will mess with your dog’s activity level, some health conditions will cause a reduction in a dog’s water intake level.

For example, dogs with bladder infections or urinary tract infections will naturally reduce less water. Also, diabetes and kidney diseases can be a culprit.

This can often happen during hot weather, causing your dog to stop drinking water. In some cases, it may be coincidental that your dog developed these health issues during the hot time or had an underlying health issue before the times with the high temperature. 

If you ever notice other symptoms like loss of appetite or lethargy in your dog coupled with the displeasure in drinking, you should contact a vet immediately. 

Mouth injury

When dogs stop drinking water, it could be mostly because it deals a high level of discomfort to them. In this case, your dog may have an injury in his mouth.

While Injuries in the mouth can be awfully painful, dogs may opt to stop drinking altogether to stop the pains.

dog with inflamed sores on the mouth

A dog owner once reported a case where his 2 year old wall eyed border collie stopped drinking and the weather condition was really peaking.

Apparently, his dog has meddled with a cactus just by the garden sides which left him in a terrible state. 

Do check for splinters, mouth sores, or typically objects that pose a threat to your dog’s mouth.


Dogs can become very inactive when they’re hit with separation anxiety. His favorite kid leaving for school, or death of a family member can cause your dog to stop drinking.

And it so happens that these two situations take place during the hot weather months where your dog is expected to consume more water.

Typically, dogs suffering from separation anxiety may cease to drink, eat or play. Which is quite understandable. 

How long can a dog go without water in the heat?

Dogs typically require access to fresh, clean water around the clock; even if they’re not drinking, they should have a water bowl filled with fresh water and made accessible to them.

However, dogs will require even more access to water during hot conditions as water will rapidly dissipate from their coat and tongue while panting, causing your dog to be hydrated.

But In situations where your dog won’t drink water when it’s hot. Dog owners have been pushed to ask, how long can a dog go without water in the heat? 

Well, a dog can last up to 72 hours with a close death sentence without water. And that’s under the best of conditions. However, during hot conditions, your dog may only last a little over 24 hours which will still be very critical for your dog. 

My suggestion?

10-12 hours without water is quite manageable. But, of course, that’s if you forgot to fill up the water bowls before leaving for work.

Still, if you ever notice your dog going 24 hours without water, you should call the vet immediately, as your dog could risk a severe heat stroke. 

How To Get Dog To Drink Water in Hot Weather

Feed high water content foods

It’s very normal that during hot weather times, your dog’s water intake level is going to increase. But, typically, dogs won’t know how much water to consume daily, and it even becomes a worry for dog owners when their dogs are not drinking at all during these times.

What you can do instead is feed your dogs high-water content foods. These foods naturally have moisture and will help keep your dog hydrated—foods like cucumbers, strawberries, cantaloupe, and oranges.

Veggies are also good options. In addition, vegetables like celery and carrots have high levels of moisture. 

You can switch to high-water-content foods if your dog isn’t drinking at all. 

Sneak some ice cube in their water bowl

If your dog ever becomes uninterested in drinking water, you can trick it into taking more water. 

Dogs love chewing on ice cubes (be careful with large ice cubes as they can wreak havoc on your dog’s teeth). You can instead slip smaller cubes or ice sheets in their water bowls to attract your dog. This way, they’ll be more interested in the ice (which in itself is water).

Or better still, you can leave in a few berries to make your dog more interested in the water.

Use familiar bowls and same water

Changing environments, like moving into a new house or city, can sometimes be disastrous for dogs. They could stop drinking or eating because of a slight change.

You want to ease the transition process by bringing along familiar water bowls or water bottles so they can at least have something that hasn’t changed over the course of moving. 

Add water to moisten feed

Dogs may sometimes stop drinking during hot weather conditions but still have food. In such cases, you can moisten their food by adding water to their dry foods to encourage water intake. 

Dog kibbles can be moistened with water. Or you could feed your dog Pedialyte (low sodium food broth).

You can add this to their meal or feed alone in doggy bowls.

The dog water hack 

If you notice your dog isn’t drinking, it could be the water or maybe they’re not just interested in drinking. You can step in and make your dog drink more water by dropping a few dabs of milk into your dog’s water bowl, enough to make it cloudy.

Next, observe your dog as he rushes in and drinks more water. This dog water hack works every time and might just be the help you need to make your dog drink water during hot weather conditions.

Don’t forget, always change to fresh, clean water after a long drink so it doesn’t turn sour. 

See a vet immediately

When dogs stop drinking, it may not be due to a change in environment or less excitement about drinking. Dogs can often come down with health issues, and this can most times reduce the drink.

More so, your dogs can get injured in the mouth, which can also be a reason why they’re not drinking during the hot weather.

It would be best if you saw a vet immediately to assess the situation and recommend a treatment or solution to this problem.

Also, seeing a vet is your best bet if your dog has gone 24 hours without any adjustments after the solutions above. 

Final thoughts on dog not drinking water when hot

Dogs will drink more water in hot conditions as long as they’re not down with a health issue and have access to water.

However, they may cease their water intake if they observe a little change or something gets wrong. You can follow through with the solutions above or better still, see a vet immediately. 

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