Why Does My Dog Rip Up Grass? (Reasons + 5 Solutions)

It’s a common scenario – you look out in your backyard and see chunks of grass ripped out of the ground, dirt strewn about, and a very satisfied dog standing amidst the damage. 

If you have ever seen your furry companion zealously tearing up patches of grass in your backyard and wondered, “Why does my dog rip up grass like there’s no tomorrow?” You’re not alone.

Dogs often do things that make us scratch our heads, and ripping up grass is one of those puzzling behaviors.

In this comprehensive guide, we’ll explore the top reasons dogs tear up grass, from innate urges to medical causes. We’ll provide actionable solutions to remediate the behavior through training, enrichment, and addressing any underlying issues.

By the end of this guide, you’ll have a better idea of what to watch for and how to help your dog. Let’s get started and find out why your dog might be going after your lawn.

Common Reasons Why Your Dog Might Be Ripping Up Grass

Dogs might pull up grass for a few different reasons. Some are just part of being a dog, while others could be signs that something else is going on. Here are some of the main reasons:

Natural Digging Instinct

Many dogs retain strong digging instincts passed down from their ancestral wolf roots. Tearing into dirt and grass can feel extremely rewarding and enriching. Certain breeds, like Terriers, have especially strong genetic urges to dig.

Your yard might be home to a variety of enticing smells and movements from insects, moles, or other small animals that trigger your dog’s natural inclination to dig and hunt. Even if they’re well-fed and have never had to hunt for a meal, this instinct can still be strong.

Just for Fun

Dogs are naturally playful and energetic creatures, and ripping up grass can be an outlet for that boundless energy. It’s similar to how some dogs love to shred toys or chase their tails; it’s all in good fun.

Especially for high-energy breeds, more than regular playtimes and walks might be needed, and they may turn to the lawn as a playground. The sensation of tearing up soft earth and grass can be satisfying and mentally stimulating for them.

Boredom and Excess Energy

A bored dog looking front

For many dogs, ripping up grass stems from simple boredom and pent-up energy. Dogs have a need for regular vigorous exercise and mental stimulation.

If those needs aren’t adequately met, they’ll find their outlets – often destructive ones like tearing your yard to shreds.

Signs your dog may be ripping from boredom:

  • High energy with minimal walks, playtime, or training
  • Chewing, digging, and other destructive behaviors
  • Intense play upon getting any attention
  • Calmer behavior after exercise

Territorial Marking

Some dogs, especially intact males, rip up patches of grass as a way to mark their territory with visual and scent cues. This behavior often starts when adolescence hits. Neutering your male dog can help reduce the hormonal impulses driving this territorial lawn destruction.

Increasing daily aerobic exercise is also recommended to give a constructive, satisfying output for your dog’s energy and instincts. Staying on top of prompt waste cleanup in the yard also eliminates tempting smell triggers.


Some destructive behaviors like grass ripping stem from a desire for owner interaction and attention. Even negative attention in the form of scolding can reward this behavior.

If your dog acts out primarily when bored or when you are busy, attention-seeking is the motive. The solution is to ignore any unwanted behaviors and instead reward calmness and obedience with praise, play and treats.

Separation Anxiety

Dogs with separation anxiety may resort to ripping up the lawn due to the stress and anxiety they feel when left alone. This type of destruction usually targets areas close to exits like doors or windows. Other distressed behaviors like pacing, howling, or elimination also occur.

If separation anxiety seems to be the culprit, consult both your veterinarian and an animal behavioralist. Anti-anxiety medication, pheromone plug-ins and positive reinforcement training can help overcome separation distress. Start with short alone periods and reward calm behavior.

They Like the Taste or Feel

Grass munching isn’t uncommon among dogs. Some dogs enjoy the texture or taste of grass. They might be attracted to the cool, moist earth under the grass, especially on a hot day, or they might like the feeling of grass as they chew on it. For some, it’s a way to add a little roughage to their diet, although too much grass-eating can lead to digestive issues.

Medical Causes of Grass-Ripping

While boredom, instincts, and anxiety account for many cases of grass destruction, medical issues can also be the underlying cause in some dogs. Here are some health-related factors to consider:

Allergies and Skin Irritation

Dogs may tear at the lawn as a way to relieve itchy or irritated skin. The act of digging and ripping grass can provide temporary relief, even if it worsens the irritation overall.

Signs it could be allergies:

  • Excessive licking/biting of paws, belly, or skin
  • Recurring ear infections
  • Paw chewing between toes
  • Patches of hair loss
  • Red, inflamed skin

If you suspect allergies, schedule a vet visit to identify the irritant, which could be food, seasonal, or environmental. Treatments like medicated baths, antihistamines, or steroids may be prescribed alongside a hypoallergenic diet trial to isolate and avoid the offending allergen.

Anxiety and Stress

Dogs under chronic stress may compulsively rip up grass as a maladaptive stress relief mechanism. Identifying and alleviating sources of anxiety is key.

Potential anxiety triggers include:

  • Loud noises like thunder or fireworks
  • Being left alone for long periods
  • Major changes to routine/environment
  • New babies, pets, or people in the home

Consult your vet and an animal behavior specialist if anxiety seems likely. Anti-anxiety medication, pheromone plug-ins, or positive reinforcement training can create a calmer state of mind.

Is It Normal for Dogs to Rip Up Grass?

Many dog owners wonder whether it’s normal for their pets to rip up grass.

The answer is YES; it’s standard behaviour for many dogs.

As we’ve seen, there are various reasons why they might do it, from playful destruction to instinctive behaviors. However, while it’s a common habit, there are times when it might point to an underlying issue.

For instance, if your dog is destroying grass more frequently or intensely than usual, it could be a sign of increased anxiety or stress. Also, if they are eating a lot of grass and then getting sick, that’s not something to ignore. These are instances when what is considered ‘normal’ behavior is a signal from your dog that they need some help.

How to Discourage Your Dog from Ripping Up Grass

A charming image featuring a friendly dog caught in the act of digging up a small section of lush green lawn

If your dog’s habit of ripping up grass is causing a mess in your yard, you may be looking for ways to discourage this behavior.

Once you get to the root cause of your dog’s grass-ripping habits, there are effective solutions to curb the undesirable behaviour. Here are some tips:

Provide Plenty of Exercise and Playtime

Ensuring your dog gets 60-90 minutes of vigorous physical activity per day is key. High-energy breeds like Labradors may need even more. Activities should include aerobic exercise like running, swimming, or playing fetch. 

Additionally, provide mental stimulation through interactive feeders, scent games, obedience or trick training sessions, and food-stuffed chew toys when unsupervised. 

The goal is to tire them out physically so they’re less inclined to engage in destructive behaviors. A dog with pent-up energy is more likely to act out through destructive grass ripping.

Create Designated Digging Areas

Dogs naturally love to dig, so if your dog loves to dig, consider giving them a specific spot where it’s allowed:

  • Designate a “digging pit” filled with loose soil or sand where your dog can freely dig without destroying your lawn. 
  • Make it at least 2 feet wide and deep.
  •  Bury toys for your dog to uncover. 
  • Praise and reward your pup for using this pit. 

You can also take your dog to a sandbox park regularly to satisfy digging urges. Supervise all digging zones and correct any focus on non-designated areas.

Implement Positive Reinforcement Techniques

Whenever you notice your dog resting calmly, playing with approved toys, or engaging in other positive behaviors like obedience commands, reward them immediately with high-value treats, excited praise, a favorite game, or petting.

This reinforces desired behaviors. Ignore all unwanted behaviors completely to avoid rewarding through attention. With consistency, positive reinforcement shapes habits.

Use Correction and Redirection

If you catch your dog starting to dig or rip up grass, immediately interrupt the behaviour with a firm “No” or another marker word. Call your dog away from the area and engage them in a more positive activity like playing fetch or practising commands for a treat reward.

Do not yell, get angry, or give any attention while your dog is exhibiting the bad behavior – this can inadvertently reinforce it. Stay calm and redirect.

The key is consistency and immediate redirection or correction when the behavior occurs.

Frequently Asked Questions About Dogs Ripping Up Grass

As a pet owner, you might have a lot of questions about your dog’s grass-ripping habit. Here are some answers to the questions you might be asking:

Remember, if you’re ever in doubt about your dog’s behavior, the best course of action is to consult with your vet. They can provide guidance tailored to your dog’s specific health and needs.

Why do dogs pull up grass and shake it?

Dogs might shake ripped-up grass as part of their play or due to their hunting instincts. It can also be a way to get rid of excess dirt or debris before they eat it.

Is grass ripping a sign of nutritional deficiencies in dogs?

The theory linking grass ripping to nutritional deficiencies is still debated. However, it’s always a good idea to consult with a veterinarian to ensure your dog’s diet is balanced and meets all their nutritional needs.

Are certain dog breeds more prone to ripping up grass than others?

Yes, breeds with strong digging instincts, such as terriers and some hunting breeds, may be more inclined to engage in this behavior.

Will spaying or neutering my dog reduce their tendency to rip up grass?

Spaying or neutering can reduce certain behaviors linked to hormonal drives, but it’s not a guaranteed solution for grass ripping, which can be influenced by a variety of factors.

Should I stop my dog from ripping up grass?

If it’s an occasional behavior, it might not be a big deal. But if it’s frequent or causing damage, you should try to discourage it.

Can ripping up grass make my dog sick?

Eating grass can lead to vomiting or diarrhea. Plus, if your lawn is treated with chemicals, it could be harmful to your dog.

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