Why Does My Dog Yelp When I Touch Her Nose? [7 Reasons]

Dogs often yelp when touched, usually for no apparent reason. You may be wondering: why does my dog yelp when I touch her nose? When your dog winces, it’s often because a part of their body is irritated, and they may be feeling pain. 

Why Does My Dog Yelp When I Touch Her Nose

Your dog yelps when you touch her nose because she has a nasal infection, is sick or has foreign organisms in her nose, has tooth infection, has neck or back pain or just has issues with her mouth muscles.

You may not know enough about canine anatomy to determine where the pain originates. But you can decipher the cause of the pain from the dog’s reaction to your touch.

Your dog may have neck or back pain

Dogs cannot communicate pain as humans do, as they cannot talk. But they have their language, which is their body and vocals.

There may be a hidden pain somewhere in their body, and they may try to mask it or start paying more attention to that part. It’s to protect themselves from the pain or nip it when it is stimulated, according to research.

Pain in any part of your dog’s body, like the neck or back, can be elicited when you touch him in other regions. If you touch your doggy’s muzzle and she yelps, it could be because she has neck or back pain.

Since her nose is close to her head, she may experience pain as she tries to move it away from your hand because she could be trying to protect her neck or her back from your touch and, in doing that, provoke them to pain.

Neck or back pain could be because of some underlying conditions—endeavor to call for veterinary assistance if you notice this.

Your dog may have Joint or Muscle Issues

Like humans, as dogs grow old, their muscles and joints may become weak and sore. Strong muscle spasms in the jaw muscles can cause a condition known as masticatory myositis in dogs.

Arthritis tends to get a hold of older dogs with weak muscles and joints. Some breeds have a higher risk of having joint problems.

This is why you should pay attention to your dog breed and why many dog lovers encourage the development of designer dogs. Hybriding may erase some unwanted traits like muscle and joint pain in pure breeds.

However, if you touch your dog’s snout and she cries in pain, it may be because she has pain in the muscles or joints around the nose.

You can localize the pain to a particular region by touching the areas close to the nose. And if you can’t, make sure to take her to the vet as soon as possible.

Your dog may have a nasal Infection

A nasal infection may make your pooch yelp in pain when you touch her nose. Inside the nose are mucous membranes which produce a slimy secretion that helps to keep the nose lubricated.

This secretion also traps dust and other foreign bodies entering the airways. Microorganisms like viruses and bacteria may have infected these membranes and often cause what is known as rhinitis or sinusitis.

The microorganisms have caused your dog’s nostrils to be inflamed. Viruses are the most common cause of rhinitis in dogs. The adenovirus I and II and the canine parainfluenza viruses cause harm to the rhinal of a dog.

If your pup suddenly starts to snore, sneeze, breathe with difficulty, or has a nasal discharge, she may be showing signs of rhinitis. So if you touch her nose, she may wince in great pain because her nostrils are inflamed.

Trauma to the nose, fungal infections, tumors, and even parasites have been seen to cause rhinitis in dogs. If your dog is experiencing pain in her snout, check if ticks have snuggled unto her nose.

The presence of ticks on her nose will cause enough physical pain, and they can go on to cause infection in her nose. If you notice any tick on your pup’s muzzle or any other part, ensure you remove them quickly.

If your dog has an infection in her nose and she yelps when you touch her, you should call your vet for medical assistance.

Your dog may be excited

Dogs communicate through the medium of their vocals. They tend to vocalize different feelings through barks, growls, whimpers, whines, yelps, and howls.

It was fabled that during the second world war, some Nazi scientists trained a particular Dachshund to speak through a means of bark-speaks.

So it is not impossible for dogs to communicate different feelings with one sound. As a dog person, you should know that your dog can bark when she’s jumpy and also when she’s bored.

If you touch your dog in her nose and she cries, it may not necessarily be a sign of pain or infection, as has been said. Your doggy may be trying to show you that she’s excited and loves the touch of her favorite person in the world.

You know how excited dogs can be when they see their human parents, more so when they touch them. Dogs are very touchy-feely and irritable animals.

Your dog may be scared or anxious

Suppose your four-legged buddy has experienced some trauma to her body, particularly her nose, maybe an accident of some sort, and you go on to touch her muzzle. In that case, her yelp may be because she may be scared of reliving the experience again.

For instance, dogs whose former owners or breeders abused them or those exposed to dog fights may have some emotional trauma even after the injuries have healed.

So if you dare to touch the area of injury, in this case, the nose, she may yelp in pain because the pain might still be present in her head.

Your dog can also feel anxious about changes in the environment, like the presence of a stranger trying to touch her nose.

Your dog may have a tooth Infection

Canine teeth have very long roots that extend into the nasal cavity. When these roots, due to some conditions, become inflamed with abscess (tooth root abscess), they may enter into the nasal mucosa and cause pain in the nose.

A tooth root abscess may be caused by the fracture of a tooth, most often the big molar at the back. If your dog yelps in pain when you touch her nose, you may know if she lets you lift and stretch her lip all the way back so that you can see all the teeth in the back of her mouth.

And if you notice a fractured tooth, she may have a tooth root abscess, and you should call your vet. That may be the cause of her nasal pain.

Your dog may have something up her nose

The nostrils of canids are relatively big and may let small plants or objects get stuck in them when they sniff around.

Just like when a tiny glass fragment can lodge inside your palms and you wouldn’t feel the pain till the area is caressed, something may have stuck into your doggy’s nose.

So when you touch her, she may whine in pain. A grass awn, foxtail, or a sharp stick splinter can get inside your girl’s nose and cause pain to her.

Your dog might not like her nose touched

Dogs acquire certain mannerisms as they grow every day and are exposed to other dogs, humans, and the environment.

They may not like their tails fondled or their ears or noses touched as it may impulsively make them uncomfortable.

If your hand caresses your dog’s snout, and she whines, it may be because she doesn’t like touching her nose.

What to do if your dog has a nose pain

a dog snout nose crying

If your dog yelps when you touch her snout, it may be because of pain, and the pain may stem from different reasons. These are things you should do when you notice this

Examine your Dog

You can examine your pooch if you notice pain in her nose. Check for ticks, small plants like awns and foxtails, and tiny objects. These may be the source of the nasal pain.

You may also want to inspect your dog’s mouth for tooth infection. Some vets suggest that you lift the upper lip and stretch it back for a good chance to see all the back teeth, and if you notice any abnormality, you should call for help.

Observe your dog’s nose for nasal discharge, labored breathing, sneezing, and snorting. These signs may be indications of a viral or bacterial infection of rhinitis.

Pet your Dog

If your dog whines if her snout has been touched, it could be that she is anxious. So ensure you pet her, take her for a walk or let her play with you or other dogs. Make sure you allow your dog to relieve anxiety and stress. If your dog yelps at a stranger for touching her snout, you should gradually introduce new people to your dog and let her socialize little by little.

Call for Vet Assistance

Suppose you notice your doggy experiences nasal pain when she is touched, and there isn’t any apparent cause. In that case, you should call the attention of your veterinarian as soon as possible, so they can go on to medically ascertain the problem.

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